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I’m on the sidewalks of New Hampshire fighting the medicalization of gender-confused children.



Gender Clinics Harm Children

Although gender dysphoria has been historically rare, today TikTok, Instagram, Netflix, and books at the public library tell girls they need to change their bodies with chemicals and surgery to become their authentic selves.

Gender clinics irreversibly harm and sterilize children with puberty blockers, which can weaken bones and destroy fertility and sexual function, and almost inevitably lead to opposite-sex hormones. They diagnose children based on regressive stereotypes.

Administering testosterone to girls triggers early menopause resulting in sterility, vaginal atrophy, and atrophy of their reproductive and urinary systems, and increases their risk for pulmonary embolisms, strokes, heart attacks, and breast amputation before they are old enough to understand the consequences or give informed consent.

In 2021, 56 genital surgeries and 282 double mastectomies were performed on minors in the US. This is probably an undercount because it only includes insurance filings that cite gender dysphoria. Boston Children’s Hospital performs mastectomies on girls as young as 15.

Children with autism, anxiety, depression, and PTSD are especially vulnerable to therapists and physicians who are pushing transgenderism. These problems are made even worse by so-called conversion therapy bans that make it illegal for therapists to do anything but affirm children’s gender identity, no matter what problems are at the root of their confusion. 

We have 12 studies that demonstrate that the majority of children with gender dysphoria will be happy living as their own sex if allowed to go through puberty and grow up with their bodies intact. The most recent study found a desistance rate of 87% among 139 boys.


Blackmailing Parents: The Suicide Myth

“Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?” is the question the gender industry uses to blackmail parents. Transgender advocates back up that threat with astronomical suicide statistics. These statistics come from non-random solicited online surveys from advocacy groups like The Trevor Project.

A review of data from the world’s largest gender clinic indicated a suicide rate of 0.03%. Although this is higher than average, it is similar to the suicide rates of youth seeking treatment for other mental health conditions. The suicide rate also doesn’t take into account other conditions that trans-identifying children often have, such as anorexia and depression.


Lives of Pain and Regret

Detransitioners recount how they had trouble fitting in with other girls because they didn’t fit stereotypes, how they were drawn into transgenderism by social media, how they were rushed down the path of transitioning by therapists and physicians who failed to explore whether the gender dysphoria was a result of other mental health disorders.

“I can’t believe that surgeons saw me and my already heavily scarred body and thought it was a good idea to go through this without asking me anything,” wrote one detransitioner. 

Detransitioned women discuss regrets from being sterilized, having their breasts amputated, and having permanently lower voices, all because of decisions they made when they were too young to give informed consent.



Partners for Ethical Care offers online help and resources for parents.

Parents of ROGD Kids

Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters

Stats for Gender